We present to you Userlike
Hello World, welcome to the blog of Userlike!
First of all we would like to apologize for keeping you waiting. We strive for perfection and this has taken us a bit longer to achieve than anticipated. However, we are now finally ready to address you in our first blog post and inform you that the Beta version of Userlike, the dialogue-service for websites and mobile applications, is about to launch soon. It is possible to subscribe for this Beta version at the Userlike website , about which more details will be provided in our second blog. Our Devcores company page launched today and it might be interesting if you want to learn more about the company and team behind Userlike.
We would like to use this first blog entry to tell something about ourselves, how we came to create Userlike, and what you can expect from this blog.
Devcores & Userlike
We are a software startup from Cologne, Germany. For the last couple of months we have been working from our apartments, cafés, universities, libraries, and a desk that we were allowed to use at the beautiful office of the advertisement agency Aclewe. Userlike has been developed by a diverse team composed out of people with experience in software development, business, and online retailing. What we share is a fascination for online business. Through our different experiences and multiple perspectives on the subject we realized that, even though this industry is experiencing a tremendous growth, it is also characterized by a big inconvenience: Where in real life interaction between a shop holder and a visitor is an obvious thing, online there is close to zero interaction between website holders and their visitors. This leads to a cold impersonal environment in which confused website visitors are unable to get help or find answers to their questions. Of course most websites make sure they are not entirely unreachable by adding either e-mail or hotline options on their websites, but these can hardly be regarded as viable answers in a place where speed and convenience are precious. An all too common picture in e-commerce is that of online purchases being aborted because of unanswered questions or other problems. The Userlike live-chat allows for a quality real-time help without media context switches, thereby drastically lowering the communication barriers between business and user. With Userlike, a website user can be assisted in those crucial moments that decide whether he becomes a customer or remains just another wandering visitor catching the wave to one of your competitors’ websites.
We believe that any website that strives to satisfy its visitors and increase its sales should be looking for ways to improve its customer interaction. Around half a year ago our team has set out to develop a tool that would empower website holders to do just that. And now, looking at what we’ve created, we cannot do other than humbly admit having done quite an awesome job!
The primary purpose of this blog will be to provide you with the information that can maximize your online performance: information about the use of Userlike (how to handle the features and which ones are coming up), general e-commerce developments, customer service tips, etc.
It feels good to be online and we look forward to welcoming all of you on our site!
Yours truly,
The Userlike Team