Customer service chat for web and mobile

Your Customers' Favorite Service Channels

Lady with a tablet receiving chat support for an order.
Do these also come in blue? Userlike customer success agent Yes, I can send you the link 🙂 That’d be great!
  • Website chat
  • Chatbots
  • GDPR-compliant
  • WhatsApp & more
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Customer Spotlight 20,000+ teams rely on Userlike
for their daily service

Amélie Junghanns
Amélie Junghanns Continental

The perfect tool for our 'Service with Passion' motto. From day one, Userlike has inspired our trust and amazement.

Johannes Altmann
Johannes Altmann Shoplupe

A shop’s usability stands or falls by its guidance and support options. Live chat is perfect to answer web visitor needs instantly, and with Userlike you have an excellent solution that’s easy to integrate into any shop.

Bastian Dahm
Bastian Dahm Trusted Shops

Live chat? Check! Contact form? Check! Usability? Check! Userlike offers an effortless way for shop owners to communicate with their web visitors.

Feature spotlight Bypass the common pitfalls of customer support

Customer happiness

Userlike’s features were built to create happy customers. The operator skill feature, for example, ensures that your customer is handled by the right person right away. No forwarding, no wasting time.

Userlike’s live chat software operator skills feature shown with three chat operators with different skill sets. Satisfaction features

Customer relationships

Userlike is a tool for building long-lasting customer relationships, and that’s reflected in our features. The Sticky Chat feature, for example, connects returning customers with the same agent they chatted with before.

Chat conversation showing Userlike’s Sticky Chat feature. More relationships

Customer service efficiency

Great customer service isn’t great if it isn’t sustainable. That’s why Userlike offers efficiency features, like a native chatbot, chat macros, chat slots, and more.

Sales support

Userlike’s sales features turn simple service request into rock-solid leads. The Smart Customer Profiles feature, for example, collects relevant public customer info based on the email address they offer.

Example of a customer profile in the Userlike Chat Panel. More sales
Auto look-up of
social media profiles

Customer insights

You can’t know whether you’re improving if you aren’t measuring, which is why Userlike offers a set of features to keep a close tap on your customers' opinions. Like the Chat Survey and Chat Rating.

Userlike’s chat rating feature with stars and emoji.
Feedback with a click
More insights

Add-ons and integrations

We love simple solutions as much as you do. That’s why Userlike’s customer service chat is open to your favourite tools. Create a ticket for an unsolved service chat or forward a chat transcript to your CRM.

Help Scout

Protect your customer’s privacy

Service chats inevitably raise the question of data security. That’s why it was our focus from the start - and always will be. Userlike’s servers are safely located in Germany where data security is no joke. Userlike is 100% GDPR compliant.

Overview All the features in a bird’s eye view

We can only showcase so many features on our website. For a complete and up-to-date overview, download the feature overview list.

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